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Moneris is a Canadian payment processor who are "Canadian born and bred and the payment partner Canadian businesses trust!" ChargeOver supports connecting to Moneris to process your credit card payments.

How to connect

Steps to connect Moneris and ChargeOver together are below!

In Moneris

In order to connect your Moneris account with ChargeOver, you will need your Moneris Store ID and your Moneris API token.

These will have been provided to you by Moneris during sign up with them. You can also access them through your portal.


For US accounts, we are not connecting to Moneris at this time.

In ChargeOver

  1. Go to your Settings and select Payment Processing

  2. Click the Add or Configure a Payment Method or Merchant Account button

  3. Search for Moneris in the list of payment gateways

  4. Enter in the required fields

5. Once you're done entering the credentials, make sure to select which payment methods you would like to process through Moneris 6. Save your changes

Supported merchant country

This is based on where your business is located.


Common decline messages

If you are unsure what a Moneris decline message means or what to do next, the most common error messages you might encounter are explained below.

Error messageWhat Moneris is trying to tell youNext steps
ERR_DECLINEMoneris told ChargeOver the payment was declined.You or the customer should contact Moneris to discuss the reason for the decline.
ERR_CREDENTIALSMoneris told ChargeOver that your authentication credentials for Forte are incorrect.You should contact Moneris and fix the credentials you use to connect to them.
ERR_EXPIREDMoneris told ChargeOver the credit card has expired.You should contact the customer and ask them to provide a new payment method.
ERR_CVVMoneris told ChargeOver the credit card was declined due to an incorrect CVV/CVC security code.Your customer should provide a correct CVV/CVC security code, or provide a new payment method.

Moneris support

If you need to contact Moneris’s support team, you can use the information below.

Support Website

Moneris has a support form you can fill out and a live chat!

Phone Number - 1-866-319-7450 or 1-888-888-3149