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Late Fees


You can configure ChargeOver to automatically charge late fees for overdue invoices.

When a late fee needs to be added to an invoice, per the schedule you configure, the late fee is added as a new line item on the existing invoice.

Enable late fees

  1. Click the gear icon in the top right corner of your page to get to Settings
  2. Select "Add-Ons" from the menu on the left and then "More Add-Ons"
  3. Find "Late Fees" on the list, click "View Settings"
  • Select "Yes" from the dropdown and the late fee settings will be revealed

Late fees will automatically be added to invoices based on the schedule you configured.

Exclude a specific customer from late fees

  1. Find the customer in ChargeOver that you want to exclude from late fees
  2. Click on the Edit tab and select "More Options"

  1. Check off the Customer is Exempt from Late Fees checkbox

  1. Click the Update Customer button