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QuickBooks Desktop


Versions of QuickBooks for Windows We Support

  • QuickBooks Pro 2015 and newer
  • QuickBooks Premier 2015 and newer
  • QuickBooks Enterprise 2015 and newer
  • QuickBooks Pro Plus 2015 and newer

New Customer

When you get a new customer, their information is entered into ChargeOver directly or automatically through web forms or the API.

ChargeOver pushes the new customer’s information to QuickBooks automatically -- details include contact name, company, email address, phone number, address, etc.


ChargeOver invoices or bills customers according to your instructions. Then we push the invoice (with detail) to QuickBooks.

Detail includes all fields, such as sales tax, line items, quantities, rates, and discounts, dates, and more.

If you void the invoice, we will sync the void to QuickBooks. We will NOT sync the invoice if it's unvoided. You will need to manually update the invoice in QuickBooks.


When your customer makes payments, ChargeOver notes the payment in ChargeOver as received.

Chargeover creates the payment in QuickBooks; details include transaction numbers, date, amount, payment method (Visa, Mastercard, etc.), memo, etc.

Then ChargeOver marks the invoice in QuickBooks as paid.

Transferring Data from ChargeOver to QuickBooks

The process to transfer data from ChargeOver to QuickBooks can be set up as either one of two things.

  • Automatic - data transfer automatically, without any user interaction, from ChargeOver to QuickBooks every few minutes
  • Manual - data transfers only when you click a button to tell it to transfer to QuickBooks

Get Connected

Connecting to QuickBooks for Windows enables automatic (or manual -- you can choose) syncing of data from ChargeOver to QuickBooks for Windows.

This is a one-time setup process. Get connected once, and then you never have to do this again.


If you use QuickBooks on multiple computers, do this on the computer that is in QuickBooks the MOST often.

Steps Connect

  1. Open QuickBooks

  2. If you have multiple user accounts in QuickBooks, log in as the Admin user

  3. Log in to ChargeOver from this same computer that's running QuickBooks

  4. Go to your Settings and select Integrations then More Integrations from the left side menu.

  5. Once you've located the Quickbooks Desktop option, select Get Started

  6. Change the Enabled choice to YES

  7. From the drop down, choose your Default Income Account (this is an Account from the Chart of Accounts in QuickBooks, and usually is set to Sales or Services)


Before you sync for the first time, your only option will be "Let ChargeOver Auto Detect This"

8. Click the Save Changes button

  1. Copy the Web Connector Password

  2. Click the [Download .QWC Configuration File] link

  • You will be prompted to open the file - open it
  • QuickBooks will prompt you to allow access to ChargeOver - allow it
  1. Paste the Web Connector Password into the QuickBooks Web Connector

That's it, you're done!

Keep in Mind

  • By checking the Auto Run checkbox in the Web Connector, ChargeOver will automatically sync with QuickBooks
  • If you do not want automatic syncing, uncheck it. ChargeOver highly recommends setting this to Auto Run
  • To sync manually or force a sync immediately, check off the left-most checkbox, and click the Update Selected button

Import Customers From QuickBooks Desktop into ChargeOver

  1. Go to your settings and select Integrations then select QuickBooks Desktop
  2. Select "More options..." on the QuickBooks page then click the Import customers from QuickBooks button


The customer import process will start on the next run of the web connector.

Class Tracking?

Many business owners have certain segments of their business that they want to track. By using the class tracking feature, you can define these segments and track their associated account balances on invoices, bills and other documents.

Why Use it?

By assigning classes to transactions in QuickBooks (and ChargeOver) you can track account balances by department, business office or location, separate properties you own, or any other meaningful breakdown of your business.

Companies with different departments or locations can use classes to report account balances for each department.

For example, if you had a a company with three locations, you might create an Uptown, a Midtown and a Downtown class for tracking account balances by location.

A nursery might create a class for each enterprise – for example, Trees, Plants, and Accessories. At the end of an accounting period, the company could create separate reports for each location. Likewise, the nursery could create separate reports for each enterprise.


New classes that are added to QuickBooks can take up to an hour to sync over to ChargeOver.

Enable Class Tracking

  1. Go to your Settings and select Integrations then [QuickBooks Desktop] from the left side menu
  2. Find the Class Tracking tab and Set the "Enable this feature?" option to "Yes"
  3. Click Save

Once you have enabled classes in your account and connected ChargeOver to QuickBooks Desktop, your classes in QuickBooks will automatically carry over to ChargeOver.

Adding or Updating Classes

Classes must be added or updated in QuickBooks. If you add or update classes in QuickBooks, the changes will sync to ChargeOver within 24 hours.

Mapping ChargeOver Products to QuickBooks

By default, ChargeOver maps products in ChargeOver to your item list in QuickBooks.

ChargeOver looks for a QuickBooks product/service with the same Name as the name listed in ChargeOver. If a product or service does not exist in QuickBooks, ChargeOver will create it automatically.

For example, this

Should match this

Occasionally, there is reason to have your product in ChargeOver named something different than what it's named in QuickBooks.

In that case, you can use the QuickBooks or Xero Item Name field in ChargeOver instead.

By entering the QuickBooks or Xero Item Name field in ChargeOver, ChargeOver will then ignore the product name in ChargeOver, and instead look in QuickBooks for something matching the QuickBooks or Xero Item Name.


If you have products or services in QuickBooks that are in an hierarchy / category, you must prefix them with the parent product/category.

For example, this
Clothes > Shirts > Red T-Shirt
Should be represented as
Clothes:Shirts:Red T-Shirt

Open QuickBooks Web Connector and Restart QuickBooks

When syncing ChargeOver with QuickBooks Desktop for Windows, there's a helper program called the QuickBooks Web Connector that runs alongside QuickBooks to make the data transfer happen.

By default, the QuickBooks Web Connector will start automatically when QuickBooks starts, and sync data automatically from ChargeOver.

If you find that ChargeOver and QuickBooks are not syncing (no data is being exchanged at all), you may be asked to make sure the QuickBooks Web Connector is running.

Steps to Check the Web Connector

  1. Start QuickBooks

  2. From within QuickBooks, select File, then App Management, then Update Web Services