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A/R Aging Detail Report


The Accounts Receivable Aging Detail report lists unpaid customer invoices by date ranges. This report is useful for determining which invoices are overdue for payment.

The 1-30 column contains invoices that are thirty days old or less, the next column contains invoices that are 31-60 days old, the column after that contains invoices that are 61-90 days old, and the final column contains all invoices that are over ninety days old.

You can filter the report down by invoice date ranges.

What is the Actions Button?

Click the Actions button to mark a singular invoice for collections on a customer. This adds a label onto that invoice so the status reads “Collections.”

Available Columns

  • Customer name
  • “Current” - the balance that has been invoiced but not due yet
  • Amount overdue between 1-30 days, 31-60 days, 61-90 days & greater than 90 days

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