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Cancelling or Suspending Subscriptions

Stop a subscription

If you need to stop a subscription in ChargeOver, you have two options.

  1. Cancel the subscription, which will permanently stop any recurring invoicing
  2. Suspend the subscription, which will temporarily stop any recurring invoicing, indefinitely or based on a time period

Cancel a subscription

Canceling a subscription stops the subscription from generating any new invoices or charges for future service immediately. You can cancel a subscription immediately, or you can schedule a subscription to cancel on a future date.

  1. Locate the subscription in ChargeOver from either the customer's overview page or from the subscription list

  1. In the subscription overview header, find the three, vertical dots

  1. You will be prompted to provide a reason for cancellation. You can find out more about cancel reasons in our cancel reason documentation

  2. You will also be prompted to select a date to cancel the subscription on. Pick the date, and click Cancel This Subscription

  • If you choose to cancel today, the subscription will cancel immediately. Otherwise, you can schedule a future cancellation for any date up to 10 years out
  • If you bill in advance, you can also choose to cancel the subscription at the end of the service period by selecting the End of service period button. This button does not show if you bill in arrears. You can see how to adjust service date settings here
  • If you schedule the subscription to cancel at the end of the service period, the cancellation date will be the day before the service period end date. You can learn more about service period end dates here
  1. After selecting the reason and choosing the cancel date, the subscription will now either be cancelled immediately, or scheduled to cancel in the future
  • If you chose to cancel today, the page will reload with the subscription being canceled

  • If you scheduled for a future cancellation, the page will reload with a warning banner specifying the cancellation date. The subscription status does not change at this point. The subscription will cancel at the end of the cancellation date

Keep in mind

  • If the customer owes money (i.e. they have other unpaid or overdue invoices) they will still owe that money unless you also void those old invoices
  • Canceling a subscription only stops generating new invoices -- it does not remove or void any old invoices
  • If you are not sure if you should cancel, but would like the subscription to stop generating invoices, you should use our subscription suspend tool
  • If you made a mistake and need to un-cancel a subscription go here
  • If a subscription is scheduled to cancel the same day an invoice is scheduled to generate, the invoice gets created first, and then the subscription cancels after that
  • Admin roles must have the "Cancel subscriptions" permission to schedule a future cancellation. You can find out more about admin permissions here
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Adjust or remove a scheduled cancellation

You have the option to change the scheduled cancellation date for subscriptions. You are also able to remove a scheduled cancellation.

  1. In the subscription overview header, find the three, vertical dots and select Edit Scheduled Cancel

  1. You will be prompted to either select a new cancellation date, or to remove the scheduled cancellation

  • Pick a new cancellation date and click Cancel this subscription to change the cancellation date
  • Select Remove Scheduled Cancellation if you do not want the subscription to be scheduled to cancel anymore
  1. Your subscription will now either be scheduled to cancel on a different day, or it will no longer be scheduled to cancel

Keep in mind that admin roles must have the "Update subscriptions" permission to adjust or remove a future cancellation. You can find out more about admin permissions here

Un-cancel a subscription

If you have made a mistake or changed your mind about cancelling a subscription, you can reverse the cancellation or suspension.

  1. Select the Settings gear icon in the top right of your account

  2. Then go into your Add-Ons

  1. Under your Add Ons column on the left side of the screen, click into Subscriptions

  1. Under "Can subscriptions be un-cancelled," use the drop down and select Yes

  1. Save

  2. Go to the subscription you want to un-cancel and find the three vertical dots

  3. Click and you will see a drop down menu where you can select Un-cancel Subscription

The ability to un-cancel subscriptions will then be put into effect. You can turn this feature off or back on at anytime.


You can only uncancel until what would have been the next normally scheduled invoice. After the next normally scheduled invoice, uncancel is no longer an option.

Suspend a subscription


Suspending a subscription will temporarily halt all new invoices for that subscription.

The benefit to suspending a subscription instead of cancelling a subscription, is that you can re-activate the subscription if the customer is planning on renewing at a later date, OR changes their mind and wants to keep their subscription active.

Steps to suspend

  1. Locate the subscription in ChargeOver from either the customer's overview page or from the subscription list

  1. In the subscription overview header, find the three, vertical dots and select Suspend Subscription

  1. You'll be asked when to suspend the subscription until (choose a date) or if you want to suspend it indefinitely.

If you chose a specific date, the subscription will pick up where it left off and invoice on the next scheduled date.

  1. After you've suspended the subscription, the overview page will reloaded with an updated status

More on suspending

When suspending, you will have two options you can choose from.

  1. To set a date for when the subscription becomes active again
  2. To suspend indefinitely

If you select a date to suspend until, the subscription will be changed to suspended status and remain so until the date you have set to unsuspend.

Once the subscription becomes active again, the next invoice date will adjust based on how long the subscription was cancelled.


Let's say you have a subscription that is set to invoice on the first of every month. Currently, your next invoice date is January 1st.

The customer suspends their subscription for until March 15th. That means the subscription will skip January, February, and March. The next invoice date would be April 1st then.


If you choose to suspend the subscription indefinitely, it will remain suspended and will not generate any invoices until you manually un-suspend it.

Common questions

Why can't I suspend a subscription?

  • If the customer owes money (i.e. they have other unpaid or overdue invoices) they will still owe that money unless you also void those old invoices
  • Suspending a subscription only stops the generation of new invoices. It does not remove or void any old invoices. If you don't want old invoices to continue to be sent out to the customer, or retried for payment, you need to void all overdue or unpaid invoices

What does suspending a subscription do?

Suspending a subscription prevents any new invoicing for that subscription. This is helpful for when you have a customer taking a break from your service or if you have a customer that may be returning after they cancel service.

Unsuspend a Subscription

  1. Locate the subscription in ChargeOver from either the customer's overview page or from the subscription list

  1. In the subscription overview header, find the three vertical dots and select "Unsuspend Subscription"

  1. You'll be asked to confirm if really want to unsuspend the subscription

  2. Then you will be prompted to select the date the next invoice for the subscription should be created on

If you choose a future date, the next invoice will be on the date you chose.

If you choose today's date, an invoice will be immediately created and you'll be prompted to email or schedule payments on the invoice.

  1. After choosing the date, click Unsuspend Subscription

  2. After you've unsuspended the subscription, you will either be redirected to the overview page, which will show an updated status of the subscription, OR you will be redirected to the invoice that is going to be sent out