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Test Payment Methods

If you are using the Test Payment Gateway provided by ChargeOver, then you can use these test credit card numbers to test specific scenarios.


If you are in Test Mode in ChargeOver, the Test Payment Gateway is enabled and used as the default gateway automatically.

If you are using another payment gateway in Test Mode, you should contact the provider of your specific payment processors for test credit card numbers.


Most payment processors will use 4111 1111 1111 1111 as a valid test card number, so you can try that first if you want.

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Enter a Fake Payment Method

  1. You will need to create an invoice first in order to make a payment on it
  1. Once you have an invoice created, Click "Enter a payment" on the right side of the screen, under the invoice Overview tab

  1. Select either "Enter a new credit card" or "Enter new ACH/eCheck information"

  1. Copy and paste one of the payment method details below into the blank below credit card information or account number
  1. Make up the expiration date and PIN you need for the credit card or make up the bank and name of the account holder for the ACH and fill in the blanks for those

Credit Card Example

ACH/eCheck Example

  1. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Pay The test card or test ACH account will then "process" the payment!

It should give you two messages

Test Card Numbers

Credit Cards That Succeed

Card TypeNumberNotes
Visa4111 1111 1111 1111Success
Mastercard5555 5555 5555 4444Success
American Express3782 8224 6310 005Success
Discover6011 1111 1111 1117Success
Visa4000 0082 6000 0000Success; United Kingdom (GB) region
Visa (debit)4000 0582 6000 0005Success; United Kingdom (GB) region
Mastercard5555 5582 6555 4449Success; United Kingdom (GB) region

Credit Cards That Fail/Decline

Card TypeNumberNotes
Visa4116 1967 8337 4209
MasterCard5116 3818 1738 7388
American Express3406 8245 8348 749
Discover6011 1914 6681 9647
Visa4012 8888 8888 1881Works when initially authorized, but charges against it fail
Visa4622 3870 9132 1605Declines approximately 20% of the time
Visa4254 4951 1855 5835Declines approximately 40% of the time
Visa4000 0000 0000 0010Declined as if your payment gateway does not support the card type
Visa4000 0000 0000 0028Declined as if the card is expired
Visa4000 0000 0000 0036Declined for insufficient funds
Visa4000 0000 0000 0044Declined as if it has been reported lost/stolen
Visa4000 0000 0000 0101Declined for a daily withdrawal limit
Visa4000 0000 0000 0127Declined for a incorrect CVV/CSC code

ACH/eCheck Bank Accounts that Succeed

Routing Number: 072403004
Account Number: 856667

It does not matter which routing number you use for test ACH accounts, but it is best to use one from a real bank in order to ensure the number is in a valid format.

ACH/eCheck Bank Accounts that Fail/Decline

ACH/eCheck bank account number that is rejected immediately, at the time of the transaction: 856666
ACH bank account number that will be returned for insufficient funds (i.e. it will be returned after 2 days, and never indicate successful settlement): 856668
ACH bank account number that will be returned with a permanent failure (i.e. it will be returned after 2 days, never indicate successful settlement, and disallow future debits entirely for this bank account number): 856669
ACH bank account number that will initially settle successfully, but after 5 days be returned as if a customer disputed the transaction:856670