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Payment Processor Error Codes

13000 series errors

These are generally things beyond your control. For example, a payment declined due to insufficient funds.

ERR_GENERAL13000General or unspecified error
ERR_DECLINE13001General decline
ERR_FRAUDMERCHANT13002A merchant-defined fraud filter was triggered
ERR_FRAUDPROCESSOR13004A processor-defined fraud filter was triggered
ERR_HELD13006The Transaction was held for review
ERR_CREDITCARDNSF13007Credit card has insufficient funds or over limit
ERR_ACHNSF13008ACH or eCheck has insufficient funds in bank account
ERR_LOST13009Credit card has been reported lost or stolen
ERR_DEAD13010The card or account holder is deceased
ERR_CLOSED13011The account has been closed
ERR_FROZEN13012The account has been frozen
ERR_WITHDRAWAL13013Daily withdrawal amount exceeded for this debit or credit card
ERR_TEMPORARY13014Financial institution does not currently allow transactions for this account
ERR_AGREEMENT13015Not in accordance with pre-arranged ACH or EFT or PAD agreement
ERR_RETURN13016ODFI has requested RDFI to return this item
ERR_STOPPED13017Account holder has stopped payment on this single transaction
ERR_RECURRING13018Declined, stop all recurring payments
ERR_SERVICETYPE13019The line of business of the merchant you are paying is not accepted
ERR_RESTRICTED13020The credit card entered is currently restricted by PayPal.
ERR_UNAUTHORIZED13021Unauthorized debit; you need a new authorization number before re-submitting this
ERR_NONPARTICIPANT13022This bank does not participate in the ACH network, so you can't do this.
ERR_NOTALLOWED13023Debits are not allowed against this bank account

14000 series errors

Are generally correctable things that you or the purchaser did wrong.

ERR_CVV14005The CVV code was incorrect
ERR_NUMBER14006The card number is invalid
ERR_EXPIRATION14007The expiration date is invalid
ERR_EXPIRED14008The card has expired
ERR_DUPLICATE14009A duplicate transaction has been submitted
ERR_STATEPROVINCE14010The state or province provided was invalid
ERR_CITY14011The city provided was invalid
ERR_STREET14012The street address provided was invalid
ERR_ZIP14022AVS state or zip code check failed
ERR_PHONE14023AVS state or area code check failed
ERR_EMAIL14024AVS anonymous email check failed
ERR_AVS14025General AVS Failure
ERR_AMOUNT14014Invalid amount sent to the payment gateway
ERR_NAME14015Invalid name sent to the payment gateway
ERR_ACCOUNTING14016Invalid account number
ERR_ROUTING14017Invalid bank routing number
ERR_AVSANDCVV14018CVV code and AVS were incorrect
ERR_CARDTYPE14019This credit card type can not be
ERR_ACCOUNTTYPE14021This bank account type cannot be charged
ERR_MISSING14020Some piece of required data is missing
ERR_CURRENCY14026Currency not supported by gateway
ERR_UNVERIFIED14027This bank account has not been verified through the gateway
ERR_ACHDATE14028This credit card number is reserved and may not be used for payments
ERR_ACHUNSPECIFIED14030This ACH transaction could not be processed, for an unspecified reason
ERR_CALL14031This customer's bank needs further information to approve the transaction; customer should call the credit card issuer

15000 series errors

These errors are generally things that the gateway or ChargeOver, did wrong.

ERR_INTERNAL15000Internal gateway error
ERR_LIBRARY15001Internal or unexpected response from a gateway library
ERR_MALFORMED15002The payment gateway or processor returned a malformed response
ERR_UNEXPECTED15003The payment gateway or processor returned an unexpected response
ERR_MERCHANTSETUP15004The merchant was incorrectly set up at the processor
ERR_UNSUPPORTED15005The payment gateway does not support this operation
ERR_BACKEND15006The processing backend was unavailable or offline
ERR_UNACCEPTED15008The processing backend was unavailable or offline please try again
ERR_TIMEOUT15009Network timeout when trying to talk to the gateway
ERR_TOOMANYREQUESTS15010The gateway is overloaded and can't process this request

16000 series errors

These errors are generally things where the gateway doesn't agree with you on something. These are usually authentication errors.

ERR_BADREQUEST16000General bad request response back from the gateway
ERR_CREDENTIALS16001Invalid credentials for the payment gateway
ERR_INVALIDARGUMENT16002Invalid argument sent to the payment gateway
ERR_MISSINGAUTH16003Authentication credentials for gateway are missing
ERR_MAXEXCEEDED16004The amount exceeded the maximum transaction value allowed by the gateway
ERR_MINEXCEEDED16005The amount was lower than the minimum transaction value allowed by the gateway
ERR_TYPE16006Invalid transaction type
ERR_INVALIDIP16007Invalid or unauthorized IP address
ERR_PERMREQUEST16008You don't have permission to make this request
ERR_PERMGETDETAILS16009You don't have permission to get details about this thing
ERR_NEEDSTOKEN16010The ACH must be tokenized